Saturday, November 13, 2010

Comfort dining glossy pictures

Hot tamales, as yet unwrapped

Opened and topped with a bit of Tomatillo Salsa

Rellenos stuffed with shredded pork, apricot and cheese sitting on a bit of salsa nogal

Who doesn't want to see pictures on a blog?  I think that may be 90% of what people read the food ones for.  Of, well, really maybe less because some people like to sample the recipes (which I've been lax about posting of late, an old good habit I need to resuscitate...).  But for now here are some snaps of the Latin Comfort foods.
Caipirinha jellies layered with the tasty cocktail and coconut milk

The gringo moqueca came out just lovely, only one squeamish diner passed on the whole prawns.

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