Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I just got a call from my friends Joan and Pierre Louis Monteillet who have a wonderful fromagerie out in Dayton.

They used to be wheat farmers but now they are up to much more interesting things. First off, they make delicious cheeses, but they (like so many in their area) have had to do a little dabbling in other areas. Well, they do far better than dabbling though, they raise some of the best meat and eggs around.
As it turns out, Joan and Pierre Louis will be making a big round trip loaded up with goodies tomorrow and they called to see if I wanted in on a spring lamb. Not some spring lamb, but the whole 35 pound guy. Of course, being someone who likes to cook for multitudes, I immediately got on the horn and rounded up some other like minded locavores and in less than 8 hours we've divvied up all 35 pounds. Pretty impressive for city slickers!
I imagine there will be posts on what we made and how delectable all of our farm food was. Of course, Dayton is a bit more than 100 miles away, but at least our lamb didn't have to travel far to reach our tables.

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